Trivial beginnings

the first fruits of my self-determined genius…

Learning for a cause?

Posted by larkascending on November 6, 2007

My friend, R, introduced me to this site called FreeRice. It’s a very cool concept—you are given a word and asked to click on the word that is synonymous to [or best defines] the word in question. Ahoy! all you people who have appeared for the GRE, GMAT, CAT (which makes up 90% of the people I know), getting a sense of Deja Vu? Damn right. It’s the same story but with a good twist: for every right answer, you donate 10 grams of rice to the United Nations. 🙂

*drum roll*

“Nonsense, this is!” exclaimed a colleague who went on to donate 2 kilos of rice with R and me, despite the claim. Well, I checked out the FAQs section and the bit about the sponsors (names appearing at the bottom) donating the money seems pretty convincing. If not, at least your vocab improves! Anything associated with the English language always earns brownie points from me anyway. 😮

So go ahead and donate some rice/improve your vocab (whichever makes you feel good)!

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